Congrats Heather!
Big shout out to Heather, who officially passed her general exam, making her a PhD CANDIDATE! We are so proud of her!
Lori and Amanda Graduated!
A big congratulations to Lori Burdick and Amanda DelVichio for successfully defending their PhD theses on April 24 and 30!
NESDB 2024
A shout out to Brenden Griffith for being selected to present his work at the Northeastern Society for Developmental Biology in Woods Hole in April. He gave a great talk!
Congrats Ingrid!
A shout out to Ingrid Schwarz who's undergraduate research was recently published. Check it out:
Recent Publication!
by Lorraine N. Burdick, Amanda H. DelVichio, L. Russell Hanson, Brenden B. Griffith, Keith R. Bouchard, Jeffrey W. Hunter and David J. Goldhamer
Biomolecules 2024, 14(2), 177
Go Russ and Brenden!
Shout out to Russ and Brenden for officially being PhD CANDIDATES! They both passed their General Examination back in January, and we are so proud they reached this significant milestone.