Interested in joining the Goldhamer Lab team?

***Currently not accepting additional Undergraduate Students at this time***

Undergraduate Students:

Undergraduates interested in conducting research in the Goldhamer Lab should contact Dr. Goldhamer directly by email. Please include the following in your email:

  • Your resume.
  • Confirmation that you can work a minimum of 10 hours per week in the lab and that you are available at least 3 days per week for a minimum of 2 hours on each of those days. Students typically receive research credit under MCB 4896 or MCB 4996 (Honors).
  • A statement concerning your interest and availability of spending at least one summer conducting research in the lab under the SURF, Holster, or other possible programs.
  • Your anticipated plans after graduation.


Graduate Students:

PhD students who matriculate into the MCB Graduate Program are required to do three rotations during their first semester. Assignments are made by the Associate Head of Graduate Research and Education based on students’ preferences. If you are interested in the possibility of pursuing your thesis work in the Goldhamer Lab, please schedule a required pre-rotation meeting with Dr. Goldhamer. The main goals of the meeting are to ensure that there is a good fit between your research interests and the lab’s work, and that the lab’s structure and culture match your preferences and expectations. The Department does not have a formal rotation requirement for Master’s students, although they are expected to complete a short rotation before committing to the Goldhamer Lab.

Send Dr. Goldhamer an email to set up a pre-rotation meeting!


Postdoctoral Associates:

If you are nearing completion of your PhD work and are interested in being considered for a postdoctoral position, please apply by sending Dr. Goldhamer a single pdf file with the following information:

  • A current CV that includes a list of publications (also include submitted manuscripts and papers published as preprints), grants submitted (whether funded or not), and contact information for at least three professional references. Letters will not be requested without your prior approval.
  • A short summary of your PhD research (less than 1 page).
  • Current or anticipated sources of funding for postdoctoral work, if any.
  • A brief statement of professional development activities and professional goals.

Contact Information

Phone: 860-486-8337
Address: 91 North Eagleville Road, Unit 3125, Storrs, CT 06269-3125
Biology/Physics Building G24